A six-week formational group focused on being with God and each other as we navigate uncharted territory. 


It's been almost a year since we found ourselves in the middle of a worldwide pandemic. Everything has changed and we’re not going back to how things were. You may feel excited or nervous about that. Probably, both. As well as stretched and exhausted at times. What do you focus on when your world is changing daily? How do you adapt to your new working environment and hold together the demands of family life?  Where is God at work in all of this?   

This is a space of HOPE….. Here we are with an opportunity to be present and expectant. 
Here we are 
  • In a safe place to learn and lean on one another
  • To encourage, support, and take risks
With an opportunity
  • To be honest and authentic leaders
  • To dream and re-imagine what our work and family lives can be 
To be present
  • To orient ourselves and adapt to our changing world
  • To see what the Father is doing, and join him in it
And expectant
  • To discover new ways of working, playing, resting
  • To believe the best is yet to come.
Join me online for a six-week formational coaching group with other women leaders.

Rest your soul, and locate your life-giving practices. Refresh your focus and find your ‘true North’.  Reconnect with your core values and clean up the clutter and chaos. Reset your action plan, with clear yes’s and no’s. Rise in hope, with a commitment to take action in the opportunities God is giving you.  

Meeting via Zoom
NextDates: TBD  
Cost: $175.00

The Lord God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds' feet, and he will make me to walk upon mine high places. Habakkuk 3:19

*Photo by Art of Hoping on Unsplash