Hello! Here's my story and why I coach.

I grew up on a farm in Iowa, one of nine children... seven brothers and one sister. My dad was an alcoholic, so our home was a cycle of dysfunction. I am a natural peacemaker - which was a hard temperament to have in this environment. In order to escape the violence and my fears as a child, I became withdrawn and introspective as I processed life. My two favorite places growing up were school and church. Both were safe, orderly, happy places with caring adults and friends. 

I had a love for Jesus from a young age. Somehow, through my church experiences I knew that He was good and for me. Someone I wanted in my life. That led me to pursue a life work in ministry. I met my husband Dale in Bible College and he was a huge gift to me - brought a lot of healing and redemption to my life through his unconditional love. 

We moved to Kentucky to serve at a church there. In 2000, at the age of 27, life was coming to a very good place for me. What I call my "white picket fence" dream of life was beginning to unfold. We found out we were pregnant with our first child that spring, Dale got a new job that was better pay and closer to home, and we put down an offer on owning our first home. It was the pinnacle of what I wanted coming together and a very exciting time of my life. 

That July, at a church picnic, Dale had an aneurysm in his heart and died. It was completely unexpected and a tailspin for me. My mom came out to live with me as I was going to have the baby and stay settled for a little while. A year later, on the same date as my husband's passing - my mom suffered a brain aneurysm while staying with me. It was like living a nightmare in slow motion. She underwent surgery; however, died three weeks later. 

Those two losses were significant for me and felt like a one-two knock out in a way. Not that I wanted to give up necessarily, but I knew I needed to sort out my life and how I could find the good life amidst such tragedy and heart break. (side note - in a matter of 11 years I experienced eight significant deaths - including two brothers, sister in law, grandparents)

This began a re-building time in my life. Re-structuring of my core beliefs and values. Could I live a good life... and how? How does one avoid feeling like their life is "Plan B", never living up to the original "Plan A"? 

Out of this springs the idea that I use for my coaching "Living in Sync - life at its best". It's out of the core, gritty place of death, loss and sunsets, that God has given me the ability to embrace life, love, and sunrises.

I believe everyone has the opportunity to live life at its best. 

Regardless of where they find themselves today, there is a way forward. 

Regardless of the uncontrollable factors in their life, there is a way to find hope and vision of a good and beautiful life.

                                              This is why I coach. 

I first experienced coaching in 2010. There were instant breakthroughs . Almost like all we needed to do was crack open the conversation and all this internal stuff came flooding out. Because of my own great experience with it, I took coach training in the spring of 2011. 

For me, being coached helps me step out of the hum drum of busyness in my life, and unpackage my brain & heart in such a way to reach the deeper levels of my values and priorities. It helps me live intentionally. It is a transformational conversation - my biggest life changes and growth has come out so clearly in my coaching sessions. 

I am a pastor at Vineyard Church in Des Moines, Iowa; I've worked here for the last 13 years. I work with our Welcome Team and our Kids & Youth. I have coached many of our leaders and interns along the way. We moved spaces in March of 2015 and are in the midst of a replanting time in our church in a new neighborhood and larger facility. I am connected with Multiply Vineyard Coaching Network and coach church planters and pastors as well as regular clients. Most of all, I am a proud mom of my gift of joy,Natalie Elaine.