Have you ever found yourself desiring a change, but stuck when it comes to implementing it?

Do you have hopes and dreams you wish you could see come true?

In the middle of a transition and having difficulty navigating the new territory?

Is there a gap in your life that you've tried to fill, hide, or escape; but it still remains? 

Coaching is a tool designed to help people move forward. It is an intentional conversation that is both action-oriented and transformational

How it works: We set a time to talk in person, video chat or over the phone. A typical session is 50 minutes.  You determine the topic of our conversation. It can be on a health goal, career transition, management decision, personal care, or anything!  I serve as an objective thinking partner; asking good questions to unlock challenge areas and open up possibilities to free you in determining your best action steps in moving forward. You can do a one-time session or oftentimes people will sign up for a 3 or 6 month commitment. Sessions are usually biweekly or monthly. 

You can give coaching a test drive with a free 30 minute sample session. Simply contact me using the form below. 

 "The two greatest days in a person's life are: the day you are born and the day you find out why." Mark Twain 

Coaching Specialties:

- Life Vision Development

- Growth and wellness

- Annual Planning and Goal Setting

- Life / Business Transitions

Contact Me


Becky is a Certified Christian Leadership Coach through Coach Approach Ministries and is an Associate Certified Coach through the International Coaching Federation. 

Vineyard USA Wellbeing Initiative

I have served as a coach for pastors in the wellbeing initiative program and have thoroughly enjoyed serving them, particularly our women leaders. If you are a pastor looking for coaching, here are a couple videos that might be helpful to you as you consider coaching... 

What clients are saying... 

Becky has listened well, asked good probing questions, and prompted me to make specific plans to meet goals that we have discerned together.  It has been a pro-active, guided process that has absolutely provided the help I needed to make a specific goal a reality. - Holly
I have gotten so much out of myself, for myself from life coaching. Through coaching with Becky, I have organized my goals, set in motion these goals and above all given myself permission to follow through with my goals... and permission is huge. A great resource! - Carey 
Becky is an attentive listener and encourager, and adept at drawing out what's important at the time. After each coaching session I not only feel like I have concrete action steps to work on but I feel cared for and supported spiritually and emotionally. I'd encourage anyone considering coaching to give it a try! -Rich
I truly enjoyed my life coaching sessions with Becky Waugaman! She is an organized and diligent coach. She helped me focus and clarify my thoughts and directed me by asking me pertinent questions. Her insight was amazing! My sessions with Becky were always uplifting and challenging. - Martha
We had the honor of meeting Becky at a time in our lives where we were on the verge of burnout and left wondering how to navigate the choppy waters of transition of life & ministry. After only one session, we walked away with very practical and empowering steps to make the changes we needed to make in order to thrive. Her ‘less is more’ approach to life was refreshing, freeing and an absolutely necessary component of stepping into who we were created to be. She is not only a coach, but a teammate as well. We highly recommend her for any season of life that you find yourself in. - Matt & Nikki